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Your Karmic Blueprint

Discover which planetary cycles are activated in your life right now, and how to make the best of them.  

According to Vedic System, events in our life are not happening spontaneously, without any plan or reason. In fact, there is a reason why we are being born here on Earth, in physical body, under Moon, Sun and the Stars. I put the Moon in the first place in this list, because the Moon is a deity specifically assigned to watch over the souls that are living in our world. That is why our world is called "sublunar". Moon is a keeper of our memories, including karmic memory. It disperses the souls which are about to be born on the Earth, and it collects those which have died, in it's constant rotating dance.  We live "under the Moon", meaning that we live "under Law of Karma". We are being born, we live, and we die. That is why the Moon is a planet that is resetting our "personal clock", and assigning each planet in the solar system a specific time period in our life, when this planet will be the most influential.  The most important system of  the planetary cycles "Vimshottari Dasha", and it is based on the movement of the Moon through lunar mansions called "Nakshatras" starting at the moment when you were born.

The time period assigned to a particular planet is called dasha.  For example, if someone is currently in a dasha of a planet Venus, they will be getting a lot of events related to relationships, partnerships, fair treatment, fair value of physical and not physical goods, everything related to our desires and the price that we are willing to pay for them. Now, if the planet Venus is not well in this person's natal chart, it means that they are not good in working with energy of Venus in intelligent way. They are either inexperienced with handling it, or they are abusing it. Energy is power, and we need to learn how to use it properly. Therefore, this dasha will be difficult for this person, as it will bring up all the issues with relationships, self-value, fair partnerships, respect, appreciation, and true value of things which were not addressed until now.  It would force the person to deal with these issues, search for answers and learn. 


We all know these moments when we feel that our life has changed. When we realize that the new things entered into our life, and our “old life” has faded away. Suddenly we have a "new mind" and new interests. Or we have to deal with the things that we did not expect before! That is how sometimes the switch of dasha manifests. Other times, more subtly, but still inevitably.

Planetary cycles can be calculated for many levels of depth which serve different purposes, but the most important are the top level cycle called Mahadasha, and it's sub cycle called Bhukti or Antardasha. The Mahadasha has qualities of the Sun, and shows the main direction which life is heading towards at the moment. The Antardasha possesses qualities of the Moon, and it shows the real events which are set to pay out on this background. 

In this exercise, you would determine your Major and Minor karmic cycles, and will be able to find out what type of events and experiences are waiting for you on this leg of a journey.

Fill in the birth information form and click "Submit". In the opened popup dialog click on "Vimshottari Dasha" tab. At "Vimshottari Mahadasha" table, find the row where current date falls between the Starts and Ends dates. In that row, the planet in the "MD" column would signify the Lord of your current major karmic cycle called "Mahadasha". Note the dates - this is when this major cycle starts and ends. Select this planet in "Select Mahadasha Planet" dropdown.


Next, in the same "Vimshottari Dasha" tab, follow down the page and find the "Antardashas..." table of your Mahadasha planet. In that table, find the row where current date falls between the Starts and Ends dates. In that row, the planet in the "AD" column would signify the Lord of your current minor karmic cycle called "Antardasha". This is a sub cycle of the major karmic cycle, which further tunes out the nuances. Select the Antardasha Lord in the "Select Antardasha Planet" dropdown.


Read About Your Current Mahadasha Cycle

Mahadasha Planet determines a primary karmic period, which can stretch for a number of years, anywhere from 7 to 20, depending on the planet. The full set of Mahadasha periods completes a 120 year cycle, taken as a median length of human life from Vedic perspective. When one Mahadasha period ends and another one starts, a person experiences a big shift in their lifestyle and priorities.

Venus Mahadasha, time length – 20 years.
Your current Lord of Karma is Venus. You are walking now through the most pleasant, poised and gracious realm of the zodiac. Here we learn how to enjoy life together with other people. Venus compels us to unveil the secrets to human relationships. Its energy allows us to connect with other people on an emotional level. We usually say that we “like” the person, when they make us joyful and delighted.

Without this emotional connection, we would not enter into any relationship - be it a friendship, a romance, or even a business partnership. To form any relationship, the first condition is that we need to “like” the person, otherwise we won’t ever. But there are more conditions need to be met in order for a relationship to thrive, even for a romantic one. Yes, you’ve heard me right. There’s no “unconditional love” in grown-up relationships. Unconditional selfless love is reserved for fathers, mothers, and teachers only, which are governed by Sun, Moon and Jupiter respectively. Partnerships are governed by Venus, and they are very much conditional.

The main condition imposed by Venus is that a partnership must be fair. Good relationships can’t exist without mutual respect and appreciation, when partners are equally valued and at least attempting to fulfill each other’s wishes. Its ok to make some healthy compromises, but both partners still should be able to hold to their core values and principles, and feel honored and appreciated. Failure to meet these conditions leads to exploitation and loss of personal integrity (commonly known as “misery”).

That is why Venus is also associated with the notions of ”money”, “value” and “price”: “Here is what you desire, and here is how much you need to pay for it. Is it worth it?” If we pay too much for our desires, for things or people that we want in our life, it takes away our dignity, and our self-value suffers. We enjoy things we have when we paid a fair price for a good value. Similarly, only when partners are equally valued in relationship, it truly blossoms, and we enjoy the sweetness of life.

Venus represents harmony, joy, and human connection - a “Best Friend” type of figure. It teaches us about our emotional nature. If Venus is well-positioned in your chart, in this Dasha you can forge good friendships, create strong relationships, and acquire things of a good value. If your chart indicates that the energy of Venus is yet to be tamed, you may spend this time struggling in unfulfilling relationships, salvaging your crumbling self-esteem, or trying to find where the money went. One thing is true that Venus is a passionate teacher, so many moments of this journey will be very exciting.

Desire to bring balance and harmony in your life. Gaining better insight into people’s hearts and minds. Elevated sense of joy and desire to share it with others. Learning to be a good partner. Learning a lot about money and their role in your life.

Antique Pocket Watch

Read About Your Current Antardasha Cycle

Antardasha Planet determines a secondary karmic period within a primary period, which can be a few months or a couple of years long, depending on the planet. Antardasha shows more specific process activated within the context of current Mahadasha. It can improve or hinder the matter which unfolds at the primary cycle, depending on the nature of respective planets. 

The Antardasha of Venus brings a new lease on life, when we want to create emotional connections with other people, and share joyful moments with friends and a romantic partner. After going through emotionally draining Antardasha of Ketu, we now want to feel the richness of life again, and sow the seeds of the new beginnings. We choose the people that we like to create friendships, romantic bonds and even business partnerships. What type of people and things we attract into our life depends on our current set of values. Often our desires bring us to things that are very alluring at first glance, but end up devastating us financially and emotionally. We don’t want to lose fingers over cheap trinkets, same as we don’t want to be bonded with a partner who diminishes our sense of self-worth. Venus might be praised for her gifts of beauty and pleasure, but it requires a lot of work to achieve that harmony in her realm.
Energy of Venus circulates in us through Anahata (Heart chakra), and during Venus cycle our ability to connect and relate is greatly enhanced. Our heart is a precious instrument, and by listening to it you can tell when something is not right. It will open deeper insights into people’s minds, and will guide you on your path.

Marriage. New friendships. Adopting a new investment strategy. Focus on accumulating valuable resources. Interest in arts. Interest in professions with emphasis on harmony such as design, architecture and mathematics. Desire to reach out and connect with people.

Pay Attention To:
The Venus Karakatwas – things and people governed by the planet Venus. The state and behavior of these objects demonstrate how well the energy of Venus flows in your life right now.
For example, if during Venus Dasha you experience damage to your clothes or cosmetics, your vehicle gets broken, or your wallet is stolen, it means that the energy is obstructed and it may be damaging for your relationships as well. Even if you have around you people in bad clothes, it is also not a good sign. To help the energy to flow, keep your clothes, vehicle and beauty cabinet in a good condition. Indian astrologers even have a hilarious advice for those who struggle with relationships: buy a vehicle from a happy couple!

Example of Venus Karakatwas:

Wife, marriage, woman, a handsome youth, daughter and daughter-in-law, gentleness, passion, beauty, love, loveliness, greatly respected and highly esteemed, ministers, servant, romantic;

actors, artists, poetry, singing, enjoyment, deftness at writing poetry, literary composition, proficiency in art, fine arts, performing arts, painting, flute, musical instrument, music, dancing, cinema, beautiful buildings, decoration for the stage, violin, amusement, laughing, buying and selling articles that contribute to beauty, places of attraction (like gardens), dramas, clubs, hotels, artistic houses, performing arts, entertainment, beauty parlors, visual media, music and women related fields, watery resort, swimming, swimmer;

courtesans, sexual pleasures, fondness for amorous sports, luster, love-making, ogling, aphrodisiacs, surapana (intoxicating drinks), adultery, pleasure places;

income, vehicles, government seal, sealing authority, eight kinds of prosperity, royal insignia, eight kinds of wealth (all sorts of pleasures), auspicious events, bedroom, luxury, costly comfortable and beautiful beds, scents, valuable cloth, selling and buying goods, profitable, assets, comforts, marketing, finance, cosmetic items, vanity bag, luxury cars, banks;

garment, crystals, silver, color, ornaments, gems, pearl, silver, diamonds, head ornaments, diamond-set jewels, or those worn on the head, the place for getting pearls or the Crystalline soil;

blue black hair, youthful vigor, well-formed limbs, short stature, sharp-witted, attractive eyes, fondness for white garments, captivating fashionable dresses;

sugarcane, autumnal crops, creeping plants, supple and blossoming trees, floral plants, lima beans, jasmine, trees of watery places, honey bees, sour fruits, lotus, fig tree, flower, scents, fragrant garland;

sour, saltish, acid taste, dark blue, variegated, multicolored, silky colors, octagon shapes, white color;

vitality, cough, scratching, phlegm, diabetes, semen, womb, ovaries, female progeny, venereal diseases, uterine, mysterious or genital organs, urine, knowledge of the generative organs and the secret connected with it, semen;


I am extremely curious about how the events and omens of the planetary Antardasha is working out for you!

For me, during Moon Antardasha, I was so vulnerable and emotional, that my brain subconsciously decided to go into protective mode. It found that that the milk in the house should be replaced by milk powder (less waste and better for cooking), the take-out food will be replaced by smart recipes from SortedFoods app (cheaper, healthier and no struggle with decisions what to cook tonight!),  and also it figured out that it would be very rewarding for me to discover great meal scheduling, skin-care and makeup techniques (yes, I am much more happier with my looks now!) .  But enough about me. 

Did you notice any omens sent to you by the current Antardasha Lord? I welcome your observations!

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